Presentations on the benefits of using video games in our health

Following a series of articles related to medical studies and opinions from health professionals about the benefits that video games have on our health, whether we are healthy as if we are in some kind of treatment, this time we want to share with you some videos about the issue that we felt successful and interesting. Soon we hope to conduct interviews in Spanish on investigations and associations in our country related to video games as therapy for health benefits such as Juegaterapia. The main conclusions are:

  • There are obvious improvements in patients with mixed therapies include video games as part of them
  • They are a way to facilitate communication among educators because by gamification facilitate minors approach to information in an interactive and entertaining, encouraging achievements through awards. We will expand this point in another article.
  • It is so important that you play but how you play
  • The handling of the game should be simple to facilitate its adoption by the patient
  • The number of hours devoted to it must be controlled and modified as each moment
  • The simulation using video games as part of the internship during their studies and professional lifelong best professionals results

It is very important to always have personalized advice from a professional

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Una respuesta en “Presentations on the benefits of using video games in our health

  1. Yo no estoy convencido con lo aqui reflejado, pienso sinceramente que hay muchos factores que no han podido ser tomados en cuenta. Pero valoro mucho vuestra opinion, es un buen post.

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